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    How to add more users to your Tradeshift company account

    15622 190 Created on 2017-01-25 12:13:15; Last updated on 2024-11-15 10:27:18

    You can add users to your Tradeshift company account using two different apps:

    Add users via the Profile app

    Once logged in to your account, click the Profile app in the sidebar, which will take you to your company’s profile page. Click the “Invite team member” button from the Complete your profile section to start adding new team members to your company account.

    Please complete some details about your company's new user, including their email address (mandatory), name, and title. 

    Next, you can choose the new user's role. On Tradeshift, each company user can have a specific role according to their real business title, which dictates the actions that they can perform on the platform. For example, all team members (users) can perform invoicing activities and collaborate with business partners. However, only admins can add new team members and can update the company profile. Just choose the appropriate role for your new team member from the drop down menu. Visit this article to learn more about the user roles available on Tradeshift or check the Related articles section below.

    Finally, you can also choose whether or not this team member is displayed on your company account’s profile page. 

    When you're done adding the details, click Add user. The new team member will receive an invitation email from Tradeshift in the language of your choice. All they have to do is click the link, set a password and they will be added to the account.

    Add users via the Users app

    Once logged in to your account, click the Users app. Click the Add User button located on the top right of the screen.

    Manually add the user information or search for the user you want to invite to your company account. If the user already exists on the Tradeshift platform, you will be able to add that user and invite them to your company (some information about them will be pre-filled, like the name and email address). If the user doesn't exist on the Tradeshift platform, they will receive an invitation to join the network in their inbox. All they have to do is then click the link, set a password and they will be added to your company.

    When you're done adding necessary the details, click Save button.

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