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    Invoice Validation Rules for Hong Kong, Belgium, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Singapore

    170 10 Created on 2019-03-29 10:51:56; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:51

    The following rules are applicable to the following countries:

    • Hong Kong
    • Belgium
    • Luxembourg
    • Netherlands
    • Poland
    • Estonia
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
    • United Kingdom
    • Singapore

    Invoice Validation Rules

    The following information is required for Invoices on Invoice Header Level:

    Field Name Non Purchase Order Invoice Purchase Order Invoice Contract Invoice Additional Explanation
    Supplier Company Name and Address X X X -
    Supplier Tax Number X X X Mandatory for Tax Registered Suppliers
    FedEx Entity Name and Address X X X Do not change Entity on Invoice flipped from a PO
    FedEx Tax Number X X X Defaults from the FedEx Entity selected if applicable
    Invoice Date X X X The Invoice Date must be no more, or no less than 20 days from the current date
    Invoice Number X X X Maximum of 50 characters.
    Currency X X X -
    Amount excluding Tax X X X System calculated
    Tax Total X X X System calculated
    Total Amount X X X System calculated
    Purchase Order Number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO and FedEx Entity data available in Tradeshift
    Contract Number Not Mandatory Not Mandatory Not Mandatory Enter for reference if available
    Person Reference X X X All invoices must include a personal reference (a valid FedEx or TNT employee email address)

    The following information is required for Invoices on Invoice Line Level:

    Field Name Non Purchase Order Invoice Purchase Order Invoice Contract Invoice Additional Explanation
    Purchase Order Number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO data available in Tradeshift
    Purchase Order Line number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO data available in Tradeshift
    Description X X X Should clearly describe the product or service provided. Maximum of 240 characters.
    Quantity X X X -
    Unit X X X -
    Price per Unit X X X -
    Tax X X X Select required tax percentage

    Additional Validation Rules:

    • Additional Charges (Such as Freight, Fixed Tax etc.) can be entered at header level or line level.
    • Payment Method should be included on a Supplier uploaded PDF invoice and is the preference of FedEx.  Any changes required to permanent Payment Details, please contact FedEx directly.
    • Payment Terms will continue to be calculated from Invoice Date as per agreed terms.

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