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    Invoice Validation Rules for Spain, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden FedEx branches

    133 2 Created on 2018-12-07 12:48:28; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:50

    The following rules are applicable to the following countries:

    • Spain
    • Austria
    • Denmark
    • Finland
    • Norway
    • Sweden

    Invoice Validation Rules

    The following information is required for Invoices on Invoice Header Level:

    Field Name Non Purchase Order Invoice Purchase Order Invoice Contract Invoice Additional Explanation
    Company Name and Address X X X -
    Supplier Tax Number X X X Mandatory for Tax Registered Suppliers
    FedEx Entity Name and Address X X X Do not change Entity on Invoice flipped from a PO
    FedEx Tax Number X X X Defaults from the FedEx Entity selected if applicable
    Invoice Date X X X The Invoice Date must be no more, or no less than 7 days from the current date
    Invoice Number X X X Maximum of 30 characters. Special characters or spaces are not allowed
    Currency X X X -
    Amount excluding Tax X X X System calculated
    Tax Total X X X System calculated
    Total Amount X X X System calculated
    Purchase Order Number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO and FedEx Entity data available in Tradeshift
    Contract Number Not Mandatory Not Mandatory Not Mandatory Enter for reference if available
    Person Reference X X X All invoices must include a personal reference (a valid FedEx employee email address)

    The following information is required for Invoices on Invoice Line Level:

    Field Name Non Purchase Order Invoice Purchase Order Invoice Contract Invoice Additional Explanation
    Purchase Order Number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO data available in Tradeshift
    Purchase Order Line number Not Mandatory X X Must match PO data available in Tradeshift
    Description X X X Should clearly describe the product or service provided. Maximum of 254 characters.
    Quantity X X X -
    Unit X X X -
    Price per Unit X X X -
    Tax X X X Select required tax percentage
    Additional Validation Rules:
    • Additional Charges (Such as Freight, Fixed Tax etc.) are allowed only at invoice header level, NOT on invoice line level.
    • Payment Method should be included on a Supplier uploaded PDF invoice and is the preference of FedEx.  Alternatively, Payment Method information can be added online in the Payment Terms and Means section when creating an invoice.  This data is for reference only and will not update FedEx Supplier Master Data.  Any changes required to permanent Payment Details, please contact FedEx directly.
    • Payment Terms will continue to be calculated from Invoice Date as per agreed terms.

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